Thursday 12 September 2013

Mini mooncakes assortment

Made these for the people at work. (: Interaction day it was called. There was a mix of pandan, pomelo, passionfruit, cranberry and red date moonies.

Key to making snowskin: not to over knead the dough. The more you work it, the springier it gets. So to avoid getting a rubbery snowskin, mix it minimally.

Mixed different colored doughs together to see how that'll turn out. The color spread wasn't too even, but hey, beauty in imperfection yup. (: Let's just say it was intentional haha.

Mid autumn festival is really just around the corner now, exactly one week from today. As a child, I played with sparklers during maf, finding joy in the short-lived starbursts that spluttered into nothingless in less than a minute. I was awed by the beauty of the lights, never disheartened by its anti-climatic end.

There was a year I made my own lantern. I think it was a wire framed into the shape of a bird, covered with cellophane. I burnt a hole in that one. Imagine the horror of watching your handmade toy melting away. T.T I've always preferred these lanterns with the burning candle in the middle to those noisy battery operated ones. What's maf without real lit candles!? But after that lantern burning incident I was always a little paranoid when I carried my paper lanterns; I'd peep into it once in a while to check if the candle was still firmly in place and standing straight. I remember how I'd carry my pink paper lantern on a wooden stick and walk around the estate with my sister, cousins or friends. Those were the days.

I wonder when I'd get to chance to do that again. It'd be nice.

Perhaps there'll be more moonies to come. (: And oh yes, thanks to mom for helping me in the washing up. <3

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