Tuesday 25 August 2015


Here's another variation to "tomato rice"! This time with fish cubes, and when better to try this than when in the greatest angling country in Europe? ;)

This happened after a long day in the laboratory, and the mental fatigue was getting into me. Thinking about having to prepare a meal is not exactly the best cure for a cranky mood. As I contemplated popping pre-packed food into the microwave oven, I suddenly remembered *to my horror* that I have already defrosted that darn piece of salmon. And y'know what they say... never refreeze defrosted food ...

I really didn't want to pan fry the fish and wash up the extra frying pan afterwards. And it annoyed me even further that I did not have an oven here in Stockholm. Man, am I starting to miss home. And then, I had a light bulb moment.

I could cook rice with tomato pieces / cubes of salmon, all together!

Simply "break" the tomato and stir it all in once the rice is cooked. All-in-one-pot literally! I didn't have a rice cooker here so this was made with a pot on the stove. I only roughly estimated the amount of water I should have, so I ended up with a mushy mess. But it was a yummy wholesome mess! Don't judge! :p

Other types of fish could be used too. Here I have cod seasoned with some grounded black pepper.

I like it that this is so easy to make, and I only have one small pot to wash after! And yea ok, maybe that bowl too... But what if I just eat out of the pot... *light bulb lights up*