Friday 22 May 2015

Coffee chocolate muffins

Oh, do you know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Do you know the muffin man,
Who lives on Drury Lane?

An all too familiar nursery rhyme, and it keeps ringing in my head as I tried to practice my script in vain. As a consequence of my fruitless attempt at work, I caved in - time for some therapeutic baking! :D

I knew I needed some caffeine... And what better way to have it than infusing it a sweet treat? This, is a coffee muffin, double shot. (Yea, really. I added twice the amount of coffee granules than usual...)

Look at those cute little coffee domes! Round and bouncy, I just wanna poke poke poke...

Presenting the not-so-pretty ones, albeit dressed it pretty pink polka dots.

Tsk, you pale in comparison to the perfect dome.

And because you aren't as pretty, I'm gonna eat you first.

Ooo I smell the coffee. Yummiliciously paired with dark chocolate chunks. Caffeine rush!

One last bite...

I decided to pack up the perfect domes to share with others. And well, since these aren't as pretty... I might as well just have them now...

Happy long weekend everyone! :D WOOHOO to bank holiday!

1 comment:

  1. Looks delicious! Dome shaped or otherwise! 😊 happy baker, happy life. 👍
