Friday 18 October 2013

Caramel brownies

At some point in time, we would all need some perking up or some kinda short respite. For some, relief from an exhausting work day would mean to head home to the comfort of the sofa and the tv; Oddly for some people, doing the household chores and keeping the home spotless bring them much satisfaction and unimaginable joy (ya really unimaginable to me...) Perk-ups can come pretty random, from a planned dose of adrenaline from coffee to finding an expected piece of chocolate. Or a piece of cake. Or a brownie.

Or two.

These are my fudgy caramel infused brownies. If you look closely you can probably see the loving goodness oozing out.

Packaged as a gift.

Saved a couple for my mom and a dear friend.

Hope you enjoy eating it as much as I did making it. (:

1 comment:

  1. And thank goodness for those who enjoy your delicious bakes that your perk-me-up is a very productive one. :)
